Shandong KNT Öldichtung Co., Ltd



The sealing mechanism of the oil seal lip contact area under reliable china oil seal design is of great significance to the sealing performance of the oil seal. This depends on the design of the sealing lip; the structure of the elastomeric material; the roughness of the shaft surface.


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The sealing mechanism of the oil seal lip contact area under reliable china oil seal design is of great significance to the sealing performance of the oil seal. This depends on the design of the sealing lip; the structure of the elastomeric material; the roughness of the shaft surface. The combined effect of the radial force of the sealing lip, the angle design of the sealing lip, and the distance design from the tip of the lip to the center of the spring produces an asymmetric distribution of the contact pressure axis: the pressure on the oil side is the largest and increases sharply; the pressure on the air side is at a small angle attenuation. With the coordination of the interference inner diameter (the inner diameter of the sealing lip is slightly smaller than the shaft diameter under free and loaded conditions), the asymmetric distribution of the contact pressure and the resulting ring hinge force are combined by the rotating shaft. Structural features that lead to deformation of the contact area of the sealing lip . This sealing elastic deformation structure is formed during the test run of the oil seal and plays a decisive role in the sealing performance (so the oil seal needs a trial run-in period). The impingement of the helix plus the rotation of the shaft results in a pumping action on the oil side through this deformed structure.

Das Skelett und die Feder der Öldichtung bestehen aus Metall, und der Hauptteil des Dichtlippenmunds besteht aus Gummi. Je nach Umgebung kann die Öldichtung mit unterschiedlichem Gummi hergestellt werden, um die Dichtungsleistung und -anforderungen zu erfüllen. Der am häufigsten verwendete ölbeständige Gummi ist Tancho-Gummi (öffentliche Rechnung: Pump Steward). Tidam-Gummi ist einer der am häufigsten verwendeten Gummis in Öldichtungen und O.

Es kann gesagt werden, dass es die am häufigsten verwendeten Gummidichtungsteile sind. In der Öldichtung hergestellt, gibt es Polybione-Kautschuk, Silikonkautschuk, Fluorkautschuk und Polytrafluorethylen. Informationen zur Leistung verschiedener Gummis finden Sie unter: Typen und Stärken des Hauptgummis.

Anhang unten: Die Art und das anwendbare Medium von Feder- und Metallskelettmaterialien

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