

オイル シール メーカー

KNT as a high performance Oil seal manufacturer, Oil seals, also known as shaft seals, are used to seal rotating elements, such as shafts or rotating bores, from escaping lubricant, dust, and other contaminants.


KNT as china high temperature oil seal manufacturer, oil seals, also known as shaft seals, are used to seal rotating elements, such as shafts or rotating holes, from escaping lubricant, dust, and other contaminants. They are essential components in many industrial and automotive applications, maintaining mechanical integrity and preventing damage or wear.

Features of high performance Oil seal manufacturer oil seal

  • Materials: Usually a combination of materials, including elastomers such as nitrile rubber or silicone, and metal springs or garter springs for reinforcement.
  • Shape: Usually circular, with a cylindrical outer surface and a lip that contacts the shaft or hole.
  • Sizes: Comes in a variety of sizes to accommodate different shaft diameters and depths.
  • Configuration: Can be single lip or double lip, depending on application and desired level of protection.

The benefits of oil seals

  • Protection: stable High pressure oil seal helps prevent lubricant leaks and protects against contamination, which can cause mechanical wear and damage.
  • Longevity: Properly installed oil seals help extend the life of your machinery by preventing leaks and preventing contamination.
  • Increased Efficiency: Machinery efficiency can be increased by ensuring lubricants stay in place and reduce friction.

Application of high performance Oil seal manufacturer oil seal

  • Automotive: Used in automotive applications such as wheel bearings, drive shafts, and gearboxes to prevent leaks and prevent contamination.
  • Industrial: Used in a variety of industrial applications including pumps, gearboxes, and motors to prevent leaks and prevent contamination.
  • Agriculture: Used in agricultural equipment such as tractors and combines to prevent spills and prevent contamination.

In conclusion, KNT as a high performance Oil seal manufacturer, stable High-Pressure oil seals are versatile and essential components in many industrial and automotive applications.

They protect against leaks, contamination, and wear and help extend the life and efficiency of machines. When selecting an oil seal, it is important to select the proper size, material, and configuration for a specific application to ensure optimum performance and service life.


1. シャフトの表面粗さは、表面粗さ RA0.2 ~ 0.63um、RMAX = 0.8 ~ 2.5um に加工されています。

2. シャフトの直径公差は、GB1801 規則に従って H11 を超えてはなりません。

3. 落下角の幅は GB13871-92 で要求されます。

4. 表面硬度: シャフトの材質は、炭素鋼と合金鋼を使用することをお勧めします。 推奨硬度はHRC45以上です。 培地が汚れていると、外部からの汚染不純物や軸があります。 HRC50~60とし、焼入れ層深さは0.3mm以上とする。

5. 軸下角度は 30 度 (最大) です。 後角部にバリ、鋭利な角、螺旋加工痕があってはならない。 後角の粗さはRA≦3.2umです。

pay attention


(2) The burrs, sharp corners, and spiral processing traces at the backward angle are easily scratched by scratching the oil seal and the lip mouth will cause the oil seal to fail.

(3) シャフトの損傷または損傷の減少、サンドアイ、取り付けの偏り、およびラジアルビートなどの欠陥を回避します。

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