


Safe china oil seal design will remind you that when oil seal leakage is found, you should first confirm the location of the oil leakage. If it is not oil leakage from the oil seal, it is sometimes mistaken for oil leakage caused by reasons other than grease leakage. The main reasons for oil seal leakage:


Safe china oil seal design will remind you that when oil seal leakage is found, you should first confirm the location of the oil leakage. If it is not oil leakage from the oil seal, it is sometimes mistaken for oil leakage caused by reasons other than grease leakage. The main reasons for oil seal leakage:





5. 軸からシーリング リップ領域への腐食は、シーリング システムのシーリング性能に恒久的な障害の危険をもたらします。

6. 潤滑剤が不足し、システムが空運転状態になるため、シール リップがすぐに摩耗します。






12. シールブレードは、保管、輸送、および組み立ての過程で損傷します。

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