

KNT エンジン オイル シール

KNT establishes a global technical research and development team with rich experience, and its forward -looking product design concept provides customers with tailor -made sealing solutions.Oil seals are an essential part of an engine and play a vital role in preventing oil leaks, protecting components from contamination and ensuring optimum performance. Excellent chinese engine oil seal is a top-of-the-line product that provides excellent sealing performance for various engine applications.



形状: O 型シールリング
モデル: 600*640*20
適用範囲: 機械、ベアリング
標準部品かどうか: 標準部品
自然: 耐摩耗性
用途: シャフト用シール、シール
仕様 600*640*20、TG4170*2


1. 構造型Ⅰのリップ加圧面積が小さいと同時に、剛性を保ちながら小径・中圧で使用できます。

2. リップ部が加圧変形する構造タイプIIで、骨格は大口径・高圧下で使用される全体耐圧設計です。

3. 構造タイプ III リップは、最適化された構造設計を採用しています。 同時に、斜めのリップ設計により、オイル シールはより高い PV 値に適応できます。200 kg の圧力下では、回転ライン速度は毎秒 0.75 メートル以上を必要とします。

Oil seals are an essential part of an engine and play a vital role in preventing oil leaks, protecting components from contamination and ensuring optimum performance. Excellent chinese engine oil seal is a top-of-the-line product that provides excellent sealing performance for various engine applications.


  • Made of high-grade materials: Oil seals are made of high-quality materials such as rubber, silicone or PTFE, depending on application requirements.
  • Precision Engineered: China engine oil seals are precision engineered to meet the exact specifications and tolerances of the intended application.
  • Durable: Due to their solid construction and reliable materials, oil seals can withstand harsh operating conditions, extreme temperatures and high pressures.


  • Anti-Oil Leakage: The main function of the oil seal is to prevent oil leakage and ensure that the lubricating oil stays where it should be, thereby minimizing engine wear and extending its service life.
  • Contamination Protection: Oil seals act as a barrier between internal engine components and external contaminants such as dirt, dust or water, preventing system damage and reducing the risk of failure.
  • Smooth Running: Oil seals help reduce friction and minimize power loss by maintaining a thin film of oil between moving parts.


  • Excellent sealing performance: excellent chinese engine oil seal provides a tight and secure seal that minimizes the risk of leakage and ensures maximum engine efficiency and reliability.
  • Wide range of applications: Suitable for a variety of engines, including automotive, marine, industrial and agricultural equipment.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: By preventing oil leaks and reducing engine wear, oil seals help save money on repairs, maintenance and downtime.




3. 高温に耐える(ゴム材質による)



KNT has established an experienced global technical research and development team, and its forward-looking product design concept provides customers with customized sealing solutions. Low-rubber rubber materials and optimized sealing structure design provide performance and life guarantee for customers’ products in small spaces and high-speed temperature rises.

Rubber Material Technology

KNT has the capability of formula development and China oil seal design, and cooperates with the University of Chemical Technology to develop special glues that meet various needs. Sealing performance is ultimately determined by material technology. We develop new materials together with upstream and downstream partners to provide reliability to customers in various application fields. The material of the rubber elastomer must be selected taking into account environmental factors and specific sealing functions. The combination of material and structure will bring better improvement to customers’ product performance. Environmental considerations: compatible with sealing media; better high and low temperature performance; better weather resistance.


The company’s mold design capabilities go beyond the details. Rapid mold delivery mold: 3 working days Mass production mold: 15 working days


Excellent chinese engine oil seal is a great choice if you want to ensure the best performance and life of your engine. With its high-quality materials, precision engineering and reliable sealing performance, this product is a cost-effective solution that helps you avoid costly repairs and downtime.

KNTリーン生産 - 顧客の製品と機器のパフォーマンスと信頼性を正確、タイムリー、柔軟、柔軟に改善し、顧客に長期的なコスト削減をもたらす


KNT の品質は、計画と設計の段階から始まり、ゴム材料の各バッチに対して 100% 通常の物理的および化学的指標が実行されました。 ゴムの硬度は、ゴムの各バッチで±3度以内に制御されました(業界標準は±5度以内に制御されています)。 完全なプロセス制御とバッチ管理、下位プロセスは顧客、100% 外観スクリーニング

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