Шаньдун KNT сальник Co., Ltd.


Китайское сальник Full Glosure

Introducing Efficient chinese rotation oil seal, a top-of-the-line product that ensures effective sealing and protection of rotating shafts. This product is designed to provide superior protection against a wide variety of contaminants and debris to keep your machines running smoothly.


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Наименование товара

stable china oil seal design For oil seals, the sealing medium used is generally mineral lubricating oil, grease and synthetic lubricating oil, as well as lubricating grease. In addition, it can also seal DIN51524 hydraulic oil, VDMA24317 and VDMA24320 high-lubricating hydraulic oil used in industrial production. In special cases, it can also be sealed, low lubricating acids, alkalis, organic solvents.

Сальник с фторкаучуком обычно устойчив к коррозии. Устойчивость к высоким температурам лучше, чем у NBR. Рекомендуется использовать манжетное уплотнение из ПТФЭ в условиях без смазки, чистой сухости и мультимедиа. Смазочная способность значительно снижает износ губ. Одно масляное уплотнение не должно уплотнять две разные среды. Большое количество химикатов увеличивает влияние на характеристики материала сальника. Совместимость сальника с уплотняющей средой должна определяться лабораторными испытаниями.

Загрязнение уплотняющей среды может быть остатками литья в песчаные формы, оставшимися в процессе литья полостей; Например, износ бронзовой турбины в коробке турбины; или продукт, произведенный коррозионной средой. Чтобы предотвратить негативное влияние загрязнения уплотняющей среды на характеристики уплотнения, мы должны уделять внимание максимально возможной чистоте полости.

Efficient chinese rotation oil seal, a top-of-the-line product that ensures effective sealing and protection of rotating shafts. This product is designed to provide superior protection against a wide variety of contaminants and debris to keep your machines running smoothly.

Features of Efficient chinese rotation oil seal

Efficient chinese rotation oil seal is made of high-quality materials and has several features that make it stand out in the market. Some of its key properties include:

  • SUPERIOR MATERIAL QUALITY: Made of high-quality materials to withstand wear and tear, ensuring long-lasting performance.
  • Custom Sizes Available: China hermetic oil seals come in a variety of sizes, making it easy to find the right size for your equipment.
  • High temperature resistance: can withstand high temperature without losing sealing performance, very suitable for use in harsh environments.
  • Corrosion Resistant: This product is designed to resist corrosion from harsh chemicals and other contaminants, ensuring long life for your machinery.
  • EASY TO INSTALL: Oil seals are easy to install, ensuring you can get your equipment up and running quickly.

China Full Glosure Oil Seal Performance Specifications

  • Operating Temperature Range: The operating temperature range of the product varies depending on the specific material used in the construction. However, these products are designed to operate over a wide range of temperatures from very low to high temperatures. The exact temperature range of each product can be found in its product specifications.
  • Pressure Rating: The pressure rating of a product is also an important performance indicator. These products are designed to withstand a wide range of pressures from low to high pressure. The exact pressure rating of each product can be found in its product specifications.
  • Service Life: Designed to provide long-lasting performance, service life varies with the specific product and its application. These products are carefully designed to withstand wear and tear and maintain their sealing performance over time.
  • Chemical Resistance: All are resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including oils, fuels and solvents. This chemical resistance is an important performance specification for applications that may be exposed to these substances.
  • Wear Resistance: Also designed to withstand the wear that can occur in applications where the seal is exposed to friction or other types of wear.
  • Sealing Performance: The sealing performance of oil seal products is a key performance specification. These products are designed to provide a tight seal to prevent leakage of liquids or gases in a variety of applications.

The role of Efficient chinese rotation oil seal

  • Sealing function: popular china oil seal design is used to seal the rotating shaft to prevent the leakage of lubricating oil and the entry of pollutants.
  • Protective Features: Protects your machinery by preventing dust, dirt and other debris from entering and causing damage.
  • TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT FUNCTION: China fully enclosed oil seal is designed to regulate the temperature of your machine, preventing overheating and ensuring optimal performance.
  • Noise reduction function: The oil seal helps to reduce the noise level of the machine, creating a more comfortable and efficient working environment.

Advantages of Efficient chinese rotation oil seal

  • Extended Equipment Life: Oil seals help protect your machinery, ensuring it lasts longer and operates more efficiently.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: By preventing contaminants from entering and causing damage, China fully enclosed oil seals help reduce maintenance costs.
  • Improved Equipment Performance: Oil seals help regulate the temperature of the machine, ensuring optimum performance.
  • Improve workplace safety: Oil seals help prevent accidents by reducing noise levels and preventing leaks.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: China Full Enclosed Oil Seals are a cost-effective solution that provides superior performance and protection for your machinery.

How to choose the right Efficient chinese rotation oil seal

Choosing the right China Total Enclosure Oil Seal can be challenging considering the wide variety of sizes and designs available. To make the right choice, consider the following factors:

  • Shaft Size: Select an oil seal that fits the shaft size. A seal that is too small or too large will not provide adequate protection.
  • Operating environment: When selecting an oil seal, please consider the operating environment of the machine. If your machine operates in harsh environments, choose an oil seal that can withstand those conditions.
  • Temperature range: Consider the temperature range of your machinery and choose an oil seal that can withstand that temperature range.
  • Quality: Choose a high-quality oil seal that is made of durable materials and will stand up to wear and tear.
  • Compatibility: Make sure the oil seal you choose is compatible with your machinery and its components.

How to install Efficient chinese rotation oil seal

Installing a China hermetic oil seal is a simple process that can be done in just a few simple steps:

  • Clean the Shaft: Before installation, clean the shaft to remove any debris or contamination.
  • Lubricate the seals: Lubricate the seals with oil or grease to ensure a smooth installation.
  • INSTALL THE SEAL: Carefully slide the seal onto the shaft, making sure it is properly aligned and seated.
  • Securing the Seal: Use a suitable tool to securely secure the seal to the housing or cover.
  • Test the seals: After installation, test the seals to make sure they are working properly and are not leaking.

Efficient chinese rotation oil seal maintenance tips

To ensure the best performance and service life of your machine, regular maintenance of your China hermetic oil seal is a must. Here are some maintenance tips:

  • Check for leaks: Check the oil seals regularly for leaks and replace them immediately if you notice any signs of leaks.
  • Clean the seals: Keep the seals clean by periodically wiping the seals with a clean cloth to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Check Lubrication: Make sure the oil seal is properly lubricated with the correct type and amount of lubricant.
  • Inspect the shaft: Periodically inspect the shaft for signs of wear or damage that could affect seal performance.
  • Replace Worn Seals: If your oil seals show signs of wear or damage, replace them immediately to avoid further damage to your machine.

Application of Efficient chinese rotation oil seal

  • Agricultural Machinery: Can be used to seal rotating shafts in agricultural equipment such as tractors, harvesters and plows.
  • Automotive industry: Can be used to seal rotating shafts in engines, transmissions and axles.
  • Ocean industry: It can be used for the sealing of rotating shafts in marine equipment such as ships and submarines.
  • Aerospace industry: It can be used in aircraft engines and other rotating parts.
  • Industrial Equipment: Can be used in various types of industrial equipment including pumps, compressors and generators.

1. Скорость линии поверхности вала: при одинаковых условиях диаметра сальник, изготовленный из разных материалов, чтобы адаптироваться к скорости линий вращения поверхности вала, отличается. Отношения показаны на рисунке ниже. Диапазон скорости линии, используемый в сальнике, обычно составляет менее 15 м/с. Линейная скорость допустимого вала, указанная на рисунке ниже, является справочным значением. Удовлетворительная смазка и хорошие условия отвода тепла являются решающими факторами. Соответственно более низкие данные подходят для более суровых условий.


2. Температура: Поскольку уплотнительные кромки вращающегося вала и уплотнительные кромки сальника производят, температура устья уплотнительной кромки выше, чем температура масла. Как правило, температура края кромки выше температуры рабочей среды на 20 ~ 50 ℃. Сущность. По мере увеличения скорости увеличивается и температура на входе в уплотнительные кромки. Кроме того, масляное уплотнение с пыленепроницаемой кромкой (общественный учет: управляющий насосом) будет работать при температуре выше 20 ° C, чем безмасляная кромка. При превышении допустимой температуры сокращается срок службы сальника, что приводит к преждевременному необратимому склерозу уплотнительных кромок и повышенному износу. Диапазон рабочих температур сальника зависит от материалов, используемых в сальнике: материал составляет -40 ~ 120 ° C, когда материал представляет собой резину Ding Qing (NBR), резина Yalik (ACM) -30 ~ 180 ° C. , фторкаучук (FPM) -25 ~ 300°C Сущность

3. Давление: сальник в основном используется для использования без давления или в условиях микродавления, а максимальное рабочее давление составляет 0,02 ~ 0,05 МПа. Когда рабочее давление превышает это значение, следует использовать устойчивое к давлению масляное уплотнение.

4. Пыленепроницаемость: чтобы предотвратить попадание загрязняющих веществ, пыли и влаги в полость уплотнения со стороны воздуха, рекомендуется использовать сальник с пылезащитными кромками. При попадании загрязняющих веществ рекомендуется использовать 2 сальника, устанавливая их друг за другом последовательно.

In conclusion

The unique design allows it to rotate smoothly and efficiently, reducing friction and extending the life of your equipment. It also helps prevent fluid and contaminant spills, which could damage vital components and jeopardize machine safety and reliability.

With their superior sealing capabilities, long-lasting durability and easy installation process, China Rotary Oil Seals are the perfect solution for anyone looking to increase the performance and longevity of their equipment. Whether you work in the automotive, industrial, or agricultural fields, this oil seal is sure to exceed your expectations and provide great value for your money. So why wait?

In addition, Chinese rotary oil seals also have excellent high temperature resistance, which can withstand extreme temperatures up to 300°C. It also has good chemical resistance, can prevent liquid and gas leakage, and keep the inside of the machine clean and hygienic.

Compared with other oil seals, the advantage lies in its reliability and longevity. It uses the most advanced materials and manufacturing processes, and undergoes strict testing and quality control to ensure product consistency and stability. In addition, the oil seal is also available in a variety of specifications and sizes to suit different types and sizes of machines.

In conclusion, chinese rotation oil seal under Excellent chinese seal customization is an excellent product that provides excellent performance and protection for your machinery. With its high-quality materials, customizable dimensions and various functions, this oil seal is ideal for various industrial and automotive applications. By following maintenance tips and selecting the proper oil seal for your machinery, you can ensure optimal performance and longevity of your equipment.

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